Fhandy Pandey

Energy Technical Expert

Geothermal Enginer

GHG Verifier

GHG Validator

GHG Consultant

Fhandy Pandey

Energy Technical Expert

Geothermal Enginer

GHG Verifier

GHG Validator

GHG Consultant

About Me

Provide independent validation and verification of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions for any organization or industry in accordance with ISO 14064-3 standards.

  • Email: me@fhandypandey.com
  • Address: DKI Jakarta
  • Residence: Indonesia
My Expertise
GHG Methodology

Development and application of sectoral methodologies for GHG calculations or estimates.

GHG Accounting

Systematic quantification and management of greenhouse gas emissions across various sectors

GHG Verification

Evaluating and confirming the accuracy of reported greenhouse gas emissions against ISO 14064 and Indonesia regulation

Energy Project

Power Generation (Renewable Energy & Fossil Fuels), Energy Distribution, and Energy Demand.

Industrial Processes

Chemical industry, the by-product of processes that convert raw materials to a range of chemical, mineral or metal products like cement, fertilisers and explosives.

Waste Management

Methane recovery from landfills, wastewater treatment, waste minimization, clean production technologies, waste prevention, reuse and recycling.

$ 22 hour
  • Web Development
  • Advetising
  • Game Development
  • Music Writing
  • Photography
$ 48 hour
  • Web Development
  • Advetising
  • Game Development
  • Music Writing new
  • Photography new
Fun Facts
Albumes Listened
Awards Won
1 000+
Cups Of Coffee
Countries Visited
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ryan Adlard
Ryan Adlard
Web Designer

I am an Energy, Greenhouse Gas, and Sustainability Specialist. Working as a Greenhouse Gas Validator/Verifier in Green Economy Department & engaged in projects associated with different programs like SRN-PPI (Sistem Registrasi Nasional), JCM (Joint Crediting Mechanism), CDM(Clean Development Mechanism), VCS(Verified Carbon Standard) - VERRA, Plan Vivo and GS (Gold Standard). Validate/Verify the Greenhouse Gas Emissions based on ISO 14064-3:2019, "Specification with guidance for the verification and validation of GHG statements" under the Accreditation of KAN (The Indonesian Accreditation Committee).

2010 - 2015
Bachelor of Science

Bachelor's Degree in Physics from Samratulangi University

Geothermal Engineering
2016 - 2018
Geothermal Engineering
Master of Engineering

Master's Degree in Geothermal Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology

Energy Security
2021 - 2023
Energy Security
Master of Defense

Master's Degree in Energy Security from The Republic of Indonesia Defense University

Engineer Professional Education
2022- 2023
Engineer Professional Education

Engineer's Degree from Atma Jaya Catholic University

Greenhouse Gas Product Expert
2023 - present
Greenhouse Gas Product Expert
PT. Truclimate Decarbonisasi Indonesia
  • Lead project teams and collaborate with cross-functional teams.
  • Provide expert advice on GHG inventory and reduction strategies, compliance, and risk management. 
Senior Consultant - ESG & Climate Change
2023 - present
Senior Consultant - ESG & Climate Change
PT. Terrathrive Bakti Indonesia
  • Analysis and Strategy: Conduct ESG research and analysis for trend identification, and assist clients in developing and implementing sustainable business strategies.
  • Assessment and Reporting: Perform environmental impact assessments for projects and prepare reports to communicate clients' sustainability efforts to stakeholders.
Project Manager
2023 - present
Project Manager
PT. Konsultan Trihita Karana
  • GHG Inventory Assessment for Indonesia Stock Exchange.
  • Revising and socialisation of GHG mitigation methodologies of SRN-PPI for RE (solar, hydropower, biogas and biomass) existing in Indonesia
GHG Emission Validator/Verifier-GHG Emission Technical Expert
2022 - 2023
GHG Emission Validator/Verifier-GHG Emission Technical Expert
PT. Mutuagung Lestari
  • Develop and execute GHG validation/verification plans for various sectors, review and assess source data accuracy, and engage with key stakeholders.
  • Documenting observations and corrective actions, as well as compiling GHG validation/verification reports and an independent assurance statement.
Testing & Commissioning Engineer
2018 - 2020
Testing & Commissioning Engineer
PT. Energi Dian Raya
  • Conducting comprehensive commissioning and testing of various substation components, including AC/DC circuits, transformers, batteries, protection systems, and more.
Greenhouse Gas Management
  • GHG Emission Inventory
  • GHG Emission Calculation
  • GHG Emission Metodology
  • Fuel Combustion
  • Fugitive Emissons from Fuels
  • Industrial Processes and Other Product Use
  • Waste (palm oil mill effluent, wood chip, etc)
  • Energy Supply (electricity and heat, oil and natural gas, etc.)
  • Energy Demand (industrial, residential, commercial/institutional, etc.)
Energy Technology
  • Power Generation
  • Energy Transmission
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Solar Power Plant
  • Biogas Power Plant
  • Biomass Power Plant
  • Hydro Power Plant
  • Geothermal Power Plant
  • Coal Power Plant
  • Diesel Power Plant
  • Natural Gas Power Plant
Validasi dan Verifikasi Gas Rumah Kaca Berdasarkan ISO 14064

Apa itu ISO 14064 ISO 14064 adalah serangkaian standar internasional yang memberikan pedoman untuk pengukuran, pelaporan, dan verifikasi emisi dan

Gas Rumah Kaca: Pengertian, Jenis, Sumber, Dampak dan Cara Menguranginya

Pengertian Gas Rumah Kaca Gas rumah kaca adalah gas-gas yang ada di atmosfer bumi yang berfungsi menangkap panas dari radiasi

Get in Touch
  • Address: DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Email: me@fhandypandey.com
  • Phone: +6287824374481
  • Freelance: Available
Contact Form